Tag: Increase

Does 360 ° & 3D Spin photography increase on-line sales?

Does 360 ° & 3D Spin photography increase on-line sales?

Boosting sales for your online e-commerce site can be a real struggle in the digital world that we live in. Digital platforms are ever-changing so it can be difficult to keep up and match with competitors that might be further advanced with these adaptions – we can’t all be tech wizzes after all!

With nearly 1/3 of online sales being returned, you need to put in a strategy to reduce the return rate as much as possible.

If you have ever shopped for anything online – whether it be a car or phone – you know that before you commit to handing over your money, you want to be able to see and test the product first to know if it works for you. With little time in the day, we want our on-line experience to emulate our in-store experience. 360° is the way to give 91% of shoppers what they want. And: With 360° in place, customers are 85% more likely to share a positive review of their experience.

According to an Adobe Mobile Consumer Survey, 360° product imagery is 11% more effective than video and 13% more than alternative views.

Also, a report from online retailer Duematernity.com showed that their conversion rate excelled by 27% due to 360° spin. Goldsmith.com also claims that products with this feature increase conversion rates by at least 10% and sometimes as much as 30% or 40% higher than products without.

3D Animation Wizards cover every digital avenue. We can snap photos for you and create individual or mass products using 360° spin, 2D animation and 3D animation in a cost-effective way. Pop us an email or give us a free call if we can be of any help!


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